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Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea: The Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer Long

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea: The Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer Long

If you're looking for a hydrangea that will bloom all summer long, the Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is a great option. This reblooming hydrangea produces large, mophead-style flowers in shades of pink or purple, depending on the soil pH. It's also hardy in zones 4-9, so it can be grown in most parts of the country.

Here are some of the key features of the Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea:

  • Reblooming: This hydrangea blooms on both old and new wood, so it will continue to produce flowers all summer long, even after the first flush of blooms has faded.
  • Colorful flowers: The flowers of the Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea are typically pink or purple, but the exact color can vary depending on the soil pH. In acidic soil, the flowers will be bluer, while in alkaline soil, they will be pinker.
  • Hardy: The Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is hardy in zones 4-9, so it can be grown in most parts of the country.
  • Disease resistant: This hydrangea is resistant to powdery mildew, a common disease that can affect hydrangeas.
  • Easy to care for: The Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is relatively easy to care for. It prefers part shade and moist, well-drained soil. It should be fertilized in the spring with an acid fertilizer if blue blooms are desired.

If you're looking for a beautiful and easy-care hydrangea that will bloom all summer long, the Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is a great option.

Here are some tips for planting and caring for your Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea:

  • Plant your hydrangea in the spring or fall in a location that receives part shade.
  • Amend the soil with compost or peat moss to make it acidic.
  • Water your hydrangea regularly, especially during the first year after planting.
  • Fertilize your hydrangea in the spring with an acid fertilizer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  • Prune your hydrangea in the spring or fall to remove dead or damaged branches.

With proper care, your Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea will thrive for many years to come, providing you with beautiful flowers all summer long.

If you're looking for a hydrangea that blooms all summer long, then the Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is the perfect choice for you. These beautiful flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue, pink, and white, and they can thrive in a variety of conditions.

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for. They prefer full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. They should be watered regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. In the fall, you can prune them back to about 6 inches from the ground.

If you're interested in learning more about Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangeas, I recommend visiting . This website has a wealth of information about these plants, including planting instructions, care tips, and troubleshooting advice.

FAQ of endless summer bloomstruck hydrangea

  1. What are the care requirements for Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea?

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is a relatively low-maintenance plant that prefers full sun to part shade and moist, well-drained soil. It is important to water the plant regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. Fertilize the plant in early spring with an acid fertilizer if blue blooms are desired.

  1. How do I prune Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea?

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea can be pruned in late winter or early spring. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased stems. You can also prune the plant to shape it or to control its size.

  1. What are the common pests and diseases that affect Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea?

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, it can be susceptible to aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew. If you notice any pests or diseases, treat them immediately with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide.

  1. How long does Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea bloom?

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea blooms from early summer to late fall. The blooms can last for several weeks, and the plant can rebloom several times during the season.

  1. Where can I buy Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea?

Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea is available at most garden centers and online retailers.

Image of endless summer bloomstruck hydrangea

5 different images of "endless summer bloomstruck hydrangea" from

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